

From simple screws to even the most complex turned pieces: our extensive experiences and most advanced technologies allow us to easily adapt to the specific needs of different industries. Our finished and semi-finished products and couplings can be found in white technology, automobiles, aeroplanes and military equipment.

We process all types of materials with the exception of wood (plastics, polymers, aluminium, copper, inox, bromine …) and we often combine turning with milling.

Small and large series

From 100 to 100,000 pieces

Different sizes

Part turning up to the width of 250 mm

Machines for all needs

Short and long turning machines and double spindle CNC lathes.

Turning and milling

All turning machines are equipped with milling tools


We use modern 3-, 4- and 5- axle milling machines to produce extremely complex finished and semi-finished products and couplings. Based on the client’s wishes, we also create designs and then produce prototypes and series. Additionally, we create milled products based on 3-D models provided by our clients.

Our large machine park allows us to respond quickly to every request and we continuously prove our accuracy by cooperating with the medical and dental field.

Including “exotic” materials

We also mill non-standard materials, such as titanium and carbon.

Large series

Since we own nine machines, we can produce a large number of products at the same time.

For larger workpieces

5-axle machines allow the milling of larger workpieces

In-house production

This allows us to fully adapt our production to the client’s needs.

Carbon production

By partnering with a reliable and foremost qualitative manufacturer, we can offer our clients carbon products tailored to their specific needs. If you therefore need carbon components, you need not look any further for additional partners and just entrust us with the whole production process.


From a vague idea sketched on paper to an exceptional product – we walk this road together. We offer our clients prototyping, constructing, 3-D modeling and engineering services.

Additionally, we use our extensive knowledge for our own development of completely new solutions and upgrading existing ones.

Additional processing

By working with partners, we can offer our clients qualitative additional processing of turned and milled products. This includes profiling, zincing, browning, anodising, grinding and hardening.You therefore receive the finished product without having to search for additional partners to complete the final production phase.

We transform simi-finished products into final products or couplings based on our client’s needs, including packaging them in the client’s selected packaging and equipping them with labels.

Other services

We use our extensive knowledge to offer our clients the following additional services:

  • profiling,
  • part scanning and
  • rolling.

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